Meek Mill Pens Note On Fatherhood: "I Get To Give My Son The Life I Never Had"

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Father’s Day is this Sunday (hint hint for everyone who may have forgot). In honor of the holiday, Time asked Meek Mill to write an essay on what being a father means to him. In the piece, Meek states that growing up without his own father has made raising his son that much more special. “I love my son with all my heart, and I would do anything for him,” Meek writes. “It’s a crazy feeling knowing that I will help him become a great man.”

“Before I leave, I always explain to him that everything I do, I do for him. All the shows, all the nights in the studio, I do with my son in mind. It doesn’t make it any easier, but I’m blessed to be in the financial situation that I’m in. I’m grateful I don’t have to think twice about whether there is going to be food on his table. My son doesn’t have to worry about that the way that I did—nor does the rest of my family. I’m not just a father to my son, but a provider to my whole family. I provide for them not because I have to, but because I want to.”

Read Meek’s whole aww-inducing letter here.
