"The Real Mitt Romney" and Other Hilarious Video Mash-Ups

Check out 10 of the most hilarious video mash-ups on the internet.


By Elijah Watson

The internet is wonderful. There is a free flow of information between different nations and peoples, there is an almost unfathomable amount of knowledge readily available, there are tools to help you do almost anything you wish to. And then there is the pinnacle of internet brilliance—hilarious video mash-ups.

Barack Obama doing the hook from Trinidad James' "All Gold Everything." LOL.

News anchor Brian Williams rapping "Straight Outta Compton." ROFL.

Bill Clinton singing "Blurred Lines." OMGWOWCREEPY!!!

The internet is great for so many reasons, but it's number one contribution to humanity might just be all the random shit on there that makes us laugh. Check out these 10 hilarious video mash-ups, because, as Charlie Chaplin said:

A day without laughter is a day wasted.

2. "Gin and Juice" by Brian Williams

3. "Blurred Lines" by Bill Clinton

4. "Rob Ford Crack Remix" by Rob Ford

5. "Wrecking Ball" by Hillary Clinton

6. "Straight Outta Compton" by Brian Williams

7. "All Gold Everything" by Barack Obama

8. "Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up" by Mitt Romney

9. "Best Song Ever" by The TODAY Show

10. "Regulate" by Brian Williams

11. "Can't Touch This" by Chris Clark

"Performed" on: WCNC NBC

This mashup is all over the place, but it still does a good job. Chris Clark, a sports anchor from Charlotte, NC, "raps" the MC Hammer classic, "Can't Touch This." The best parts aren't from the rap (although his pronunciation of the word "homeboy" is pretty hilarious) but the actual video clips, in which Chris does his best Hammer Dance (among many other dances) and seems to have the world's largest tie collection. MC Hammer would be proud.
