Phantom - "Kisses"


We first heard Finnish duo Phantom almost a year ago when they released the fantastic Scars EP for free. Back then, the frail, wheeling melodies over starkly laid electronic production was a unique sound and an affecting listen. Now, the “Helsinki-based music tech-startup entrepreneurs and musicians” are back at it again, dropping off new single “Kisses.” It picks up where Scars left off; formally trained jazz singer laying out haunting lines over producer Tommi Koskinen’s sparse beats. It seems like they’ve elevated the game, though, especially when an Erik Satie sample drops into the mix, a bold move that somehow works and asserts once again that these two are a force to be reckoned with.

In case you want to check out the sample job, “Gymnopedie No. 1” makes its appearance at about the 1:40 mark.
