Best of the Week: 04/01/12


Happy April Fool’s Day! Remember, the funniest jokes are the ones that involve physical injury! Also, jokes that involve death are also knee-slappers. Like, “Just kidding, Todd, your girlfriend’s still alive! April Fool’s! You should’ve seen the look on your face!” Classic.

Stream Willis Earl Beal’s Debut Album In Its Entirety

The perfect dose of Sunday lo-fi tunes.

Danny Brown Laughs

This guy.

Jai Paul’s “Jasmine”

Jai Paul’s back with his second single, “Jasmine,” and he survives that sophomore (single) slump.

The 50 Greatest Music Festival Moments

In light of festival season coming around again, here is our list for the 50 greatest music festival moments. Read it, learn some stuff, and have some laughs.


Lee Fields & The Expressions Play “Faithful Man” In A Living Room

Moving, emotional, live music at its finest.

Big Baby Gandhi’s NO1 2 LOOK UP 2

With a name like Big Baby Gandhi, this might be one you normally overlook. Don’t.


Azealia Banks’ “Fuck Up The Fun,” Featuring Production By Diplo

Azealia Banks teams up with Diplo for some fucked up fun.

Shadow On Stars’ Free Debut Album

The Portland duo has put together and awesome debut, and they’re giving it away for free.

The Neighbourhood’s Video For “Sweater Weather”

The Neighbourhood’s proving to be one of our favorite new acts.

12 Free Songs

We made you a mix, pulling in some of the best free songs of the recent past.
