Premiere: Mesita - "Out For Blood"


Mesita’s “The Coyotes” was an instant favorite. Multi-instrumentalist James Cooley creates his music DIY style, but you wouldn’t know it by listening. The music is a fully-realized concoction of pointed sounds that come together like a small army. It’s not aggressive or overly electronic, but this homemade indie rock certainly isn’t your usual hushed and muffled blob of singularity. We’re honored to premiere a second track from his upcoming album The Coyote.

This song is from an album that I’m working on called The Coyote. It’ll be 15 tracks long or so, and will be out in a few months. The whole thing’s recorded solo with just a couple of condenser mics into Audacity, all tracked in my bedroom. I’ve got a kit stashed and mic’d up in a walk-in closet and it sounds pretty cool. I’m trying to make it really sprawling with a lot of intensity from track to track… I’m just trying to give as much of a damn about these songs as I can, put as much emotion into every track and make every second count. I want to make something that matters.

Mesita – “Out For Blood”

You can keep up with Mesita on Facebook or Soundcloud
