James Blake & Bon Iver - "Fall Creek Boys Choir"


It’s finally here. James Blake and motherfucking Bon Iver. Blake on the beat, Vernon on the mic. It’s pretty much exactly what you’d expect from the collaboration, with minimalist yet affecting production from Blake paired with layered, falsetto, and auto-tuned vocals from Justin.

The real surprise here lies in what sounds like a dog bark incorporated into the production. The art attached with this looks more like a fox, but I do not think that foxes bark. Then again, they are so elusive that who really knows what those little things do? Not me. To put a dog bark in the song and a fox on the cover seems weird though, like sampling a “meow” and then putting a meerkat on the cover. All kinds of confusing for those of us who tend to get carried away thinking about animals. Er, sidetracked…

The song will be out on iTunes on August 29th, and according to the YouTube page, “Enough Thunder – Oct 2011.” Could be the release of another single, could be an album. We’ll find out in October.

James Blake & Bon Iver – “Fall Creek Boys Choir”

UPDATE: Thanks to Midas for sending me some evidence that foxes do bark, kinda.
