Feist - "How Come You Never Go There"


Here’s the first Feist single from her forthcoming album Metals, out October 4th. I think a lot of people are already Feisted out, but it’s kind of hard not to enjoy hearing her music, unless you’re one of those people who gets woken up by singing birds on a Saturday summer morning and mumble obscenities while you close your window and shut the blinds.

Her music is like a room with nothing in it except a nicely made bed – crisp, white sheets, neatly folded and tucked in all the right places. Before even getting into it, you know it smells good, probably like lavender or fresh rain. Sure, the room isn’t pushing the limits of interior design, but it’s impossible not to appreciate that perfectly made bed. You slobs probably don’t even know what a nicely made bed looks like. “But Confusion, I sleep on a fold-out couch with Cheetos stains on it.” Slob. Feist.

How Come You Never Go There by Feist
