Jazz Cartier - "Olivier Garden"


Jazz Cartier is a 17 year old from Toronto (currently in CT) and this is the only dubstep-inspired cut off his upcoming debut album Losing Elizabeth. Unlike a lot of dubstep/rap combos, this one sounds completely natural and cohesive, and for a young emcee, Jazz seems completely comfortable with his delivery. My only complaint is the lack of a real chorus, but if this is an indication of the quality of his album, it’s a good sign.

The song “Olivier Garden” is the first release off of my album Losing Elizabeth that is set to be released in July. I dont have any mixtapes out or anything so this will be my first release to the public. Losing Elizabeth is about me finding myself as an artist, and as a person. Olivier Garden is a reflection of me finding myself as an artist, randomly squandering on the beat, elongating a rhyming scale while diving into lyrical holes, throwing in wrestling references, and a metaphor about the novel “The Giver.”

Jazz Cartier – “Olivier Garden”

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