Freelance Whales - 3 Tracks From Weathervanes

Today I feel like we’re being swallowed whole by hip-hop. This should provide a nice break. I just checked out the band Freelance Whales, a band that PMA has been behind for a while now, and I’m really liking it. The band strikes a nice balance between electronic mania and “real” instrumentation and comes out sounding something like The Postal Service with more surprises (like banjos) and less whining. The melodies are the kind that immediately make sense, and the kind that don’t make you frustrated for the first 10 listens while you try to “figure out” what’s happening. It may be too cute for some of you, but after a day of shit-talking hip-hop – give it a shot, tough guy.

Check them out. These tracks are all from their recent album Weathervanes.

Freelance Whales – Starring | YouSendIt

Freelance Whales – Location | YouSendIt

Freelance Whales – Broken Horse | YouSendIt

