Video! Joe Budden 5 Year Relationship Rule

Ok! This has nothing to do with music at all but I’m posting this for a few reasons.

1. Joey says he feels that if a couple has been together for 5 years that they should be entitled to one other penis/vagina other than that of their significant other. Do ya’ll agree?

I think that every dude would agree with that (in his mind)! But I think most dudes are going to agree with wtv their girl says. If she says hell no, he’s going to say no. If she agrees, he’ll be like let’s set this up asap! So he probably won’t even answer the question until she does.

2. #deathto whoever the dude was that beat up Tahiry like that; seriously! Why are you beating up on a female? A beautiful female? Now the real Slaughterhouse is about to unleash on your a$$! No raps this time tho, straight guns & butcher knives!!!

3. Do ya’ll (fellas) see Tahiry’s rear end!? Woo, God bless her!

That’s All!

