New! St. Vincent - Actor Out Of Work

This is the first time I’ve ever listened to a St. Vincent song in full. I’ve seen her frail, kooky looking image plastered all over internet/magazine ads, but I’ve never heard someone say “you gotta hear this St. Vincent track!” so I never really bothered to listen besides 30 second increments here and there. I have a short attention span for music I don’t know, which sucks, because a lot of the music that I love most has taken me a while to get into. Usually if a song doesn’t grab my attention on the first listen, it will sit in the mislabeled, cluttered corners of my iPod like an artistic kid in P.E.

I got around to listening to this one because Will at WAWSTSF spoke highly of it, and it clocks in at 2:16, no filler. The song features some nice backup vocals, driving drums, and has a nice hummable melody. The song is off of her upcoming album Actor. Check it out.

St. Vincent – Actor Out Of Work

