Los Campesinos - "My Year In Lists", "You, Me, Dancing", and "Ways to Make it Through the Wall"

Year end lists are a great way to get into bands that you haven’t checked out yet. Even if you listen to a shitload of music and try to keep up with all the latest buzz bands, you’re bound to miss a few gems. I’d only heard a couple of songs from Los Campesinos, but the name has been thrown around all year. After seeing some end of the year lists featuring these guys, I decided to dig a little deeper.

Los Campesinos are a seven-piece indie pop band from Wales. They put out two critically acclaimed albums in 2008, Hold On Now, Youngster, and We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed. These guys really remind me of Johnny Foreigner. Here’s some tracks to check out.

Los Campesinos – My Year In Lists

Los Campesinos – You, Me, Dancing
Los Campesinos – Ways To Make It Through The Wall

