Taylor Swift's Instagram and Twitter Were Hacked This Morning

The same group hacked Taylor's Twitter and Instagram this morning.

via ABC

Taylor Swift has been on one hell of a winning streak lately, with her 1989 album selling like crazy since its release last year. This morning, Swift caught some bad luck when her Twitter and Instagram pages were hacked, which the singer confirmed on her personal Tumblr page shortly after it happened. “My Twitter got hacked but don’t worry, Twitter is deleting the hacker tweets and locking my account until they can figure out how this happened and get me new passwords. Never a dull moment.”

While Swift's account was hacked, two tweets were sent out, with one reading "Go follow my boy @Lizzard," which lead to speculation that this was done by the hacker group Lizard Squad, the group accused of hacking Sony and Microsoft last year. Both accounts that were tweeted from Swift's page during the hack have since been suspended by Twitter, but not before the @Lizzard handle threatened to leak Swift's nudes once they reached a certain amount bitcoin donations.



The hack on Swift's Instagram page wasn't as significant, although the hackers did send out a screenshot of what looks like one of their pages. Lizard Squad has taken credit for Facebook and Instagram going down last night, but Facebook has denied that's what happened. So while the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, T. Swift just has to shake this one off.



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