Prehistoric Creature With Huge Mouth and No Anus Could Be Our Earliest Ancestor

A prehistoric creature boasting a huge-ass mouth and absolutely no anus could be our earliest ancestor.

saccorhytus coronarious
Unapproved Source



Unapproved Source: Jian Han, Northwest University, China


saccorhytus coronarious

No matter how much racists, sexists, and all kinds of bigots want to divide us, we all do come from the same strands of DNA. And while most of us figured we shared ancestry with some form of ape-like creatures, a new fossil discovery reportedly shows that we all come from a no-anus having, humongous​ mouth-owning create that lived 540 million years ago.

No, not just Donald Trump, but all of us.

The Guardian is reporting that a fossil of the creature, called Saccorhytus coronarious, was found in Xixiang County in the Shaanxi province of central China and is "the starting point of an evolution which led ultimately to things as different as a sea urchin, starfish and rabbit." The name Saccorhytus coronarious was bestowed upon it because of it's sack-like body and large mouth. The creature is said to have had the ability to consume relatively large prey, and would expel excess water it'd consume via gill-like pores on the side of its body.

Intriguingly, the Saccorhytus coronarious doesn't seem to have an anus. Or, the researchers who discovered the fossil haven't found it yet. They aren't tripping though: "These things are so small, you can envisage something which is basically just a digestive sack with holes on the side," sort of like a worm.

Don't let Twitter hear about a creature with no anus and a huge mouth; everyone had to get those jokes off.

President Trump lost ancestor no anus so shit comes out his mouth 😈😈
"Our oldest ancestor was a tiny floating bag w/ huge mouth & no anus." Funny, our newest POTUS has the mouth and has been CALLED an anus.
don't talk to me unless you
-have a big mouth
-have no anus
-are over 540 million years old
-look like this
Big mouth, no anus, and 540 million years old?

So, basically Mitch McConnell.
.@guardian A yuge anus and no mouth – our current state of evolution.
Human Evolution. We began as an organism with just a mouth and no anus, and have evolved into one huge asshole #asscentofman #trump

Maybe next time we could all try and go with a wider variety of jokes?

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