Ancient Shark With 300 Teeth Was Discovered and People Want No Part of It

In a scene straight out of a SyFy film, scientists have discovered a dinosaur-like shark.

Scientists discover ancient shark with 300 teeth.

Image via Twitter/@nationalpost

Scientists discover ancient shark with 300 teeth.

Scientists made a horrifying but interesting discovery off the Portuguese coast after a trawler found what appeared to be a dinosaur-era shark with a snake's head and 300 teeth. The species dates back to 80 million years ago. University of the Algarve professor Margarida Castro explained to Sic Noticias the purpose behind the shark's numerous teeth, claiming the creature's unorthodox jaw allows it to "trap squid, fish and other sharks in sudden lunges." It is believed the shark lives in the Atlantic, and more importantly, it roams in waters near Australia, New Zealand and Japan. 

Given this scary discovery, people are understandably hesitant to go anywhere near those waters now. 

Ohhh 😲 shnaaap

— ♕MsJane (@dinahjane) November 13, 2017

— lucifer 👹 (@k1udge) November 13, 2017

And this is one of the many reasons why I rarely swim in the ocean. 👇🏼😳😳😳

— Sassy McSmartypants 🇺🇦🌻 (@katy_annie13) November 12, 2017

Wow! An 80-million-old living animal. This one beats those spores, tree colonies, and fungi, algae & bacteria hands, tails, roots and fins down by 10s of millions of years.

— 🦝 tapas misanthropus [तपस]🍩 (@ohjustshootme) November 12, 2017

It's *incredibly* cool that it exists, but I would absolutely scream my damn head off.

— Nick Harkaway (@Harkaway) November 12, 2017

How can you not love science when we find an "ancient shark with a snake head and 300 teeth" that grows up to 6 ft long still swimming in our oceans? Best news of the morning, hands down.

— megwatzke (@megwatzke) November 13, 2017


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