Police Investigating Noose Left In Rainn Wilson's Friend's Yard

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office says they are taking the matter "very seriously."

June 8, 2019
rainn wilson
Image via Getty/Gary Gershoff

Rainn Wilson shared a photo of a noose hanging from a friend's tree earlier this week, and the police are reportedly looking into it. While he characterized the police response as blasé, sources who spoke to TMZ say they are taking the matter very seriously.

"When the police were called they said, essentially, 'what’s the big deal?'" Wilson wrote on Instagram. "Well, officer, the noose is the symbol of lynching which was used to hang thousands of African Americans, especially by the Klan."

Los Angeles Country Sheriff's Office reps who spoke with TMZ said that Wilson's account was inaccurate and that the police are working on finding the culprit.

Via TMZ:

We're told L.A. County Sheriff's detectives currently have the case and are working to determine who might have hung the noose. Officers already checked for any surveillance footage in the area but came up empty ... however, they're continuing to dig.

They added that they take hate crimes and threats "very seriously, especially in today's climate."

Take a look at Wilson's original post below.

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