Walmart Will Stop Selling AR-15 Rifles

The retailer announced yesterday.

August 28, 2015
Image via Stu pendousmat

Did you know Walmart was the #1 gun and ammunition seller in the United States? No? Neither did I.

Yesterday the retail giant announced it would no longer carry a class of rifles referred to as the modern sports rifle including the semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifle, which was used in 2012’s Newtown shooting. The decision isn’t a conscientious effort to reduce gun violence, despite events just like yesterday’s shooting in Virginia, last month’s theater shooting in Lafayette, or June’s Charleston tragedy—which are, sadly, but a few cases that have made headlines.

Walmart spokesman Kory Lundberg explained the decision was made because of poor sales and the company’s shifting focus. Lundberg told Quartz,

“This is done solely on what customer demand was. We are instead focusing on hunting and sportsman firearms.”

This summer Walmart chose to remove all confederate flag merchandise from its stores and website following a nationwide debate. Maybe in the future it can come to a similar decision about its gun sales.

[via New York Daily News]
