Doctor Falsely Claims Baltimore Black Lives Matter Protesters Attacked Daughter

Renowned Texas doctor Andrea Natale took to Twitter where he claimed his daughter and her boyfriend were attacked in Baltimore by protesters.

September 16, 2020
A Baltimore City police emblem
Image via Getty/Mitchell Layton

Blaming the Black Lives Matter movement for America's issues has become an ugly trend. One doctor took it to the next level when he lied about BLM supporters attacking his daughter.

On Sunday, Texas-based doctor Andrea Natale took to Twitter where he claimed that his daughter and her boyfriend were attacked in Baltimore by protesters.

"My daughter called in tears. She was driving [with] her boyfriend in Baltimore & their car was attacked by a group of BLM. It was damaged & her BF was beaten," Natale tweeted per BuzzFeed, which dubs him a "world-recognized" heart doctor. "She filmed it & called the police but they cannot do anything [because] they are African American. Is this the America we want?"

He went on to retweet and reply to comments on the viral tweet, forcing people to do some investigating of their own. BuzzFeed News stumbled upon body camera footage from a responding officer. In the video, Natale's daughter and her partner clearly tell the officer that they had gotten into an altercation with some of the city's squeegee kids.

Squeegee kids are children in Baltimore who make money by offering to wash windshields at intersections. Per Natale's daughter and her boyfriend, they decided to confront the kids for their allegedly aggressive behavior and a knife was pulled on them. This resulted in no physical harm but a destruction of property complaint. Most importantly, the altercation had nothing to do with Black Lives Matter.

"I sincerely apologize for a tweet I posted this weekend. I was worried about my daughter, and I jumped to a conclusion based on the information I had at the time," Natale said in an apology to BuzzFeed. "I’ve dedicated my entire professional career to healing people from all backgrounds, and I regret that my words were misinterpreted and created hurt and pain. It was not my intention."
