These Hilarious Photos Show "The Bigger Picture" Behind Famous Album Covers

Design agency Aptitude imagines what was happening outside of the frame during photo shoots for famous album covers.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Most album cover photos are square, and because cameras were invented before iTunes and Instagram, that means that the original image was probably cropped. Design agency Aptitude noticed a change in the way album covers were made. "Album cover art used to be meticulously created to portray some kind of message that the band or artist was trying to convey," writes Gary of Aptitude. "In this digital age, buying an album has become less about buying a physical package to buying a digital version out of convenience."

For this project, they imagined what was going on outside of the cropped area of album covers for musical acts including Justin Bieber, Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen, and Adele. The full-sized images are hilarious, even if the photo shoots didn't really go down the way that they suggest.





See more of "The Bigger Picture" album covers over on the Aptitude blog.

[via PigeonsandPlanes]

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