You Can Now Buy the "Projecteo" Instagram Mini Projector (Video)

It's only $34.99!

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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A while back we told you about a Kickstarter about a device called Projecteo, an Instagram projector we were all about. Well, it turns out their fund raising efforts were successful and they raised over $87,000 last year. They were so successful that the project is now being launched to the public. Yes you little one can buy this Instagram projector.

What? You think it's probably too expensive? A Projecteo machine costs $34.99. That's about six caramel frappuccinos or seven five dollar foot longs. It is the size of a matchbox and comes with a plastic photo wheel with nine Instagram shots "melted" onto 35mm Kodak film. For an additional fee you can get more photo wheels. The original Kickstarter page says the machine produces "great looking images up to two and a half feet wide."

The video below explains how the machine was conceived and displays it at work. You can buy one here.


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