Josh Shaw was Reportedly Named in a Burglary Report

New details come to light in the investigation of USC's Josh Shaw, who claimed to sustain an injury while saving his drowning nephew.

The Josh Shaw story has taken a definite turn from feel good story, to not-so feel good story. And though we wouldn't put it on par with that balloon boy yet, it's definitely trending in that direction.

By now you probably know that the USC defensive back claimed to have jumped from two stories up to save his drowning nephew, causing him to sprain both ankles. The story raised eyebrows because his name isn't fucking Bruce Wayne. Now it appears that it has taken a less heroic innocuous turn as TMZ reports that Shaw was mentioned in a burglary report (that same day) near USC's campus. Apparently a phone call was placed to police about a man "shimmying" down a downtown L.A. building, and according to Shaw's girlfriend, he fit the description. While police maintain that Shaw isn't a suspect (in part because nothing was actually stolen) they're still curious enough to re-interview everyone involved in the case.

Furthermore, according to the LA Daily News' Scott Wolf, Shaw's injuries are a result of an incident that he had with his girlfriend (who lived in the building that the so-called "burglary suspect" was scaling down). Unfortunately, this is what happens when you make up elaborate stories. People look into them. Next time, just say you stepped in a ditch.

[via TMZ]

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