Man Without a Backside Talks About His Unique and Painful Condition

“I’m married, and she’s cool with it.”

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Nicki Minaj and Beyonce helped shoo in the butt worshiping era but what if you don’t have one? One Reddit user is dealing with such an abnormality as the result of a difficult disease and he took to the popular website for an Ask Me Anything (AMA) q & a to share his story.

According to the Mirror, a user calling himself TBoneTheOriginal revealed that his lack of a backside was caused by severe pilonidal cysts on his tailbone. "I’ve had multiple surgeries on it and instead of the usual procedure which involves letting it heal, mine was so bad that a plastic surgeon had to close it up," he said. "They keep coming back, and it’ll probably just get worse as I age."

No topic was left untouched, even the explicit detail of what the area looked like. He told other users, "My butt hole looks the same as anyone else’s! The wound just goes very close to it."

What is also pretty normal is the way that he defecates. "I poop like anyone else. It's wiping that I have to be careful with because the wound is still open a bit, and it's right next to the butt hole. Gotta be careful with wiping so I don’t get feces in the wound. But it isn’t hard after having to do it for eight years now."

Living with a condition like that is painful enough, but it hasn’t harmed his love life. “I’m married, and she’s cool with it.”

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