Nintendo Files Patent for Gameboy Emulator on Smartphones

Is Nintendo planning on brining Gameboy titles to mobile phones? We really, really hope so.

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Nintendo has filed a patent to allow for Gameboy emulation on other hardware, including seat-back displays of trains and planes, as well as mobile phones. The patent, which was originally filed back in July this year, could signal a move to mobile phones, or it could just be another way for Nintendo to protect their vast library of titles. 

Gameboy emulators on smart phones are nothing new and can be found everywhere from the Googleplay store to the Windows Phone Marketplace. Apple has removed all emulators for the iphone, but can still be installed if you jailbreak your phone. The decision to file the patent signals Nintendo's desire to put an end to third party software, or, possibly create their own.  Nintendo's stance on brining their vast library of titles to mobile phones has been contradictory with the company confirming a move to make mobile apps on previous occasions only to have  Nintendo CEO and President Satoru Iwata announced going mobile “is absolutely not under consideration."

If Nintendo does bring their Gameboy titles to mobile phones, expect a complete and immediate halt to all productivity planet-wide. 

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