The Ferguson PR Consultant Lied about Having a College Degree

PR consultant for Ferguson lied about having a college degree.


Devin Sean James, Ferguson's former PR consultant, who was fired once it was discovered he had been convicted of reckless homicide, just admitted he doesn’t have a college degree.

His application for the Ferguson post stated he had a bachelor of science in psychology and biomedical engineering from the University of Memphis. James’ LinkedIn also said the same. He told the St.Louis Post-Dispatch that he left near the end of his college career after being shot in a 2004 robbery. 

When asked why his LinkedIn said he had a degree, James said, “there was no option for attended vs. completed. Not sure if there is now since I don't manage the page.”

He also blamed his team for lying about his degree in the Ferguson job application. According to James, he didn’t fill out his resume personally saying a staffer copied information from his LinkedIn account.  

James is currently volunteering for Ferguson and has since removed the degree from his LinkedIn.

[via St. Louis Dispatch]

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