"Mad Men" Creator Reveals How The Series Will End

And it won't be with a "fart."

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Complex Original

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Though Mad Men is only on season five now, series creator Matthew Weiner is already thinking about the ending. It may seem a bit early since the show clearly isn't going anywhere at the moment - quite the contrary, actually, it's coming back - but considering that he's stated before that the show will end after seven seasons, the series finale isn't actually that far off.

"I do know how the whole show ends. It came to me in the middle of last season. I always felt like it would be the experience of human life. And human life has a destination," Weiner told Grantland.com, "It doesn't mean Don's gonna die. What I'm looking for, and how I hope to end the show, is like...it's 2011. Don Draper would be 84 right now. I want to leave the show in a place where you have an idea of what it meant and how it's related to you."

The fifth season of the series is set to debut on AMC in March. As for the show's run, Weiner says that, above all, he doesn't want to wear out his welcome on television. "Do I know everything that's gonna happen? No, I don't," he said. "But I just want it to be entertaining, and I want people to remember it fondly and not think it ended in a fart."

Just sayin' - Don Draper would still be a BAMF, even in a nursing home.

[Via New York Daily News]

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