The Best Tweets to Prepare Yourself for Tonight's Presidential Debate

The first presidential debate kicks off tonight at 9 p.m. ET. Here are the best tweets to prepare yourself.

Jimmy Fallon Donald Trump

Image via NBC

Jimmy Fallon Donald Trump

Tonight's showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will likely set Twitter off, as it's expected to be the most-watched presidential debate in television history. In 2012, more people than ever before—more than 46 million households—watched Romney and Obama square off, and 10 million tweets were sent off during the debate. So as the two campaigns (both of which love to use Twitter themselves) get ready for tonight, here are some of the best tweets to get yourself ready for the fireworks.

Twitter #Debate data:
10M tweets sent during first Presidential debate in 2012
And the most tweeted moments from then are:

— Sally Shin (@sallyshin) September 26, 2016

Did you know 10 million tweets were sent during 1st presidential debate in 2012? Something tells me it will be a lot more tonight. #debates

— Bret Baier (@BretBaier) September 26, 2016

Some people are getting their popcorn ready, excited for the show:

Kinda pumped for the Trump/Hillary debate tomorrow. Will be like UFC but bloodier

— Shrek (@jacksfilms) September 26, 2016

Whoa this debate is gonna be awesome

— Daniel Kibblesmith đź‘» (@kibblesmith) September 25, 2016

Others aren't so geeked about tonight:

Would anyone really be surprised if the earth opened up and just swallowed #HofstraUniversity tonight? #PresidentialDebate

— đź’™R.A. "Burn It All Down" McCandless đź’™ (@RobRoyMcCandles) September 26, 2016

The day of the first presidential debate has arrived. That means I get to ban myself from Facebook for at least 24 hours. Cool!

— Mike Popovich (@mpopovichREP) September 26, 2016

[presidential debate]
TRUMP: i propose we kill everyone
HILLARY: do u want a president who says he'll kill everyone
TRUMP: i never said that

— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) September 19, 2016

Many on Twitter aren't happy that the debate moderator won't be fact-checking the candidates, especially with how often Trump lies. 

MODERATOR: how would you combat world hunger?

TRUMP: blow up the moon, let the cheese fall to earth

MODERATOR: hillary, same question

— eEric (@ericsshadow) September 25, 2016

Hillary has to debate Trump while fact-checking him. Can you imagine it? A woman having to work twice as hard as a man for the same position

— Arby’s Provocateur (@SamGrittner) September 25, 2016

i'm old enough to remember when i'd be pissed that a presidential debate is being moderated by a registered republican

— John Cook (@johnjcook) September 26, 2016


When the debate starts, do a bunch of PCP

— Ian Boudreau (@iboudreau) September 26, 2016

Idea for tonight's presidential debate: The candidates can only respond with one of their tweets from the past year

— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) September 26, 2016

Debate moderator Lester Holt of NBC News is a registered Republican, but, given the craziness of this election, that's low on people's list of concerns.

Others are preparing themselves for bingo and drinking games, or, you know, just drinking:

One user thinks Twitter shouldn't just be used by viewers—but also the candidates themselves:

Another is just happy we can get our minds off Kim Kardashian for a while:

Tonight's debate is gonna be wild—and the reactions on Twitter will be too.

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