Kansas Stepmom Sentenced to Life for Killing 7-Year-Old Boy and Feeding Remains to Pigs

Kansas woman Heather Jones gets life sentence for role in the death of 7-year-old stepson whose remains were fed to pigs.

November 15, 2016
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Kansas City, Kansas woman Heather Jones was sentenced to life in prison Monday for the death of her 7-year-old stepson A.J. who was fed to the pigs, reported KSHB. It is the latest reported case of violence against children. Other recent examples include the West Virginia mom who authorities said killed her daughter and hid her death for years and the woman who sent video of her dead son during an argument over text.

Jones, 30, was sentenced to life in prison without a chance at parole until she’s served 25 years, reported the Kansas City Star. Last month Jones pled guilty to first-degree murder and two charges of child abuse. A.J.’s remains were found in November 2015 when police were called to a domestic disturbance at the house where Jones and her 45-year-old husband Michael A. Jones lived. While investigating the case, police learned A.J. hadn’t been seen in months and the next day got a warrant to search the property. When they looked in a barn, they found human remains that DNA tests proved belonged to A.J.

Case prosecutor Chief Deputy District Attorney Sheryl Lidtke said A.J. was “horribly abused” both physically and emotionally and “essentially starved to death.” Citing court documents, the Kansas City Star reported A.J. is said to have to died at some point between Sept. 18 and Oct. 4 of last year.

On Monday Heather Jones said she was sorry about A.J. and said, “I have to live with this for the rest of my life.” Jones also said she was in an abusive relationship and didn’t have anyone to reach out to for help. A trial for Michael A. Jones, also charged with first-degree murder and child abuse, is set for February.
