This Tomato Looks Just Like Kim Kardashian's Butt

The fruit's resemblance to her famous backside real.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Sarah St. John was staring at one of her freshly grown tomatoes, when she realized it reminded her of something. After a while of thinking about what the round red fruit resembled, she realized just what it was—Kim Kardashian's famous backside

"It got rounder and shinier. I watched and I saw Kim's bottom developing the in window," she told The Mirror.

St. John did an online search to confirm her findings and found a picture of Kim Kardashian's sandy butt that was a perfect match.

The amazing tomato, which is the size of two ping-pong balls, came from her first attempt to grow fruit. Now, the 36-year-old is now searching for other celebrity doppelgangers in her garden.

She still has the Kardashian tomato, but says it will probably end up in a sandwich. 


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