Glam Your Girl's Clam With These Powerful Novelty Panties

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Novelty undergarments are a slippery slope. One wrong turn and the heat of your meat is caught between a rock and a very, very hard place. I tend to stick with Fruit Of The Loom five-packs of boxer briefs. But for the fairer sex, there's this simple set of novelty panties. Over at Vice, they got ahold of the woman behind this line of novelty lingerie, aptly called "Glam Your Clam" with the tag line: "Vaginas so divine they deserve to shine."

I am deceased, framily. What started as an art school project evolved into a line of clever puns, screen-printed alongside famous world leaders and iconic figures from the botched Jesus fresco to Chairman Mao to Anne Frank to Dr. Phil. There are plenty of other variations on the brand's Etsy site. My personal favorite: Cosmo Kramer letting everyone know that "from pain, comes pleasure" before you jump in head first and dagger all night, or the subtle, but abundantly clear "Vagemite" version. Let's just hope the two don't taste alike. Yes, I am ashamed at myself for making that joke SMFH.

Though, I would also most definitely be frightened if I pulled down my girls pants to see Silvio Berlusconi's face right there staring back at me. Is my girlfriend a frequent tax-evader with a shady history, unfit to lead a major country? I hope not. Or Mugatu telling me to relax? I'm terrified of what I would do if I were put under a sex spell. There are so many different innuendos to go through here that I think founder Isa Lappalainen's goal of becoming bigger than Victoria's Secret might be in range. Best of all? Each pair is just $15. I think I know what I'm getting a certain lucky lady come Christmas time.

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