The Secret Of The Ooze


For some unknown, godforsaken reason, TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze has a 36% ratting on Rotten Tomatoes. In what world do these critics live in? Did they not see how those powdered doughnuts got the crew out of a sticky situation? That's real movie magic. All I know is this Soulland Bøge Trench Coat embodies the Ooze in outerwear form. It looks like the shit plopped itself onto the fabric and the dudes at Soulland just rolled with it, as one ought to when in contact with this particular banging strain of Ooze. The navy and black camouflage pattern rides the sad boyz color tsunami and won't be mistaken for leopard print, so get that right the fuck out of your head. The outer pockets on the coat even allow direct access to your pants pockets (or maybe, you're not even wearing pants), so massive perv points level up. Schwing!

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