Check Out This JAZ Mural in Queretaro, Mexico for the Board Dripper Festival

"Don't run."

Street artist JAZ is back in Mexico where he painted this great mural entitled "No correr," which translates to "Don't run." The mural was painted in Queretaro, Mexico as a part of the Board Dripper Street Art Festival and is also a part of the artist's "Hooligan" series. Other artists involved in the festival include Jade, Tania Quezada, Jufe, Kenta Torii, Calexico Ramirez, and others who painted works about the city between September 2 and September 6 (for a list of locations for each mural click here). The mural is amazing and we hope to learn more about JAZ's "Hooligan" series and this piece in the near future. For more about the Board Dripper festival, check out their website.

RELATED: Watch a Stop-Motion Video of JAZ Painting a Mural in Vienna (Video)


[via StreetArtNews]

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