Someone Gave Greats Brand a $1.5M Investment

Sneaker startup Greats raises $1.5M in new capital from investors.

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It just got a whole lot greater for up-and-coming footwear company Greats. Not only is the brand successfully disrupting the footwear industry with its direct-to-consumer business model, but they just raised $1.5M from a group of investors that includes the likes of NFL player Adrian Wilson.

Greats is made up of Jon Buscemi, who you might remember from Gourmet and his current Buscemi line, and former BOAST CEO, Ryan Babenzien. The investment benefits the future of Greats, but is even better for the brand's consumers as the infusion of capital will give the company the ability to restock inventory and develop its web-based business. If you're a fan of Great's products and the company's mantra, then you should expect a whole lot more in the near future.


[via Crain's New York]