Marvel Releases a Spider-Man Snippet from 'Infinity War'

A brand new clip from Avengers: Infinity War was released on Friday starring Peter Parker in full action.

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A brand new clip from Avengers: Infinity War was released online Friday, starring Peter Parker in full action.

The shows Parker's Spidey-sense at its best, as he notices a spaceship from the school bus he is riding in. The clip displays a stellar transition from Spider-Man: Homecoming to Avengers: Infinity War: it shows Parker as a normal teenager, doing normal things like trying to get through high school, while also juggling the responsibility of his superpower and being a secret superhero.

When Parker aka Spider-Man sees the ship from the bus, he frantically taps his pal Ned on the cheek and tells him he needs him to cause a distraction. Ned yells, "We're all going to die! There's a spaceship!" All the students run to the back of the bus in a panic to look outside and witness the spectacle. Meanwhile, Parker buys enough time to hop out of the emergency window, transform into Spider-man while hanging onto the side of the bus, and swing from the bridge and skirt the body of water below. From this clip, it is clear that Parker's guard was down when he spotted this spaceship presumably on his way to or from school. It is safe to say he and the Avengers crew are not prepared for the arrival of Thanos down to Earth.

The latest Avengers film will be released in theaters on April 27. In preparation for the film's release, Marvel will be dropping at least an estimated $150 million to promote the film. The role of Spider-man is played by actor Tom Holland.

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