The 'Savage Patrick' Meme is Everywhere, But How Did It Start?

Another childhood memory ruined.

This is a picture of Patrick and Spongebob.
Photo by Tiffany Rose/Getty Images for Nickelodeon
This is a picture of Patrick and Spongebob.

Most good memes pop up out of nowhere, adding hilarious context to almost any caption and sometimes ruining our childhoods in the process. The most recent in the Spongebob Squarepants meme family is Savage Patrick, which now sits alongside 'mocking Spongebob' and 'confused Mr. Krabs'.

Ah yes, sweet and innocent Patrick Star is being used for the sole purpose of expressing Twitter's worst thoughts. Primarily, you use the Savage Patrick closeup, or one of its many photoshopped variants, along with a caption meant to convey, well, savage behavior. This can range from the everyday stuff that we all do on the low to some pretty hardcore, and oddly specific, things too.

when u see a nickel on the ground

— hi (@Chainbody) February 28, 2018

When you frame your siblings for something and survive your mom's questioning and hear your mom beating their asses downstairs. #PatrickStar #SpongeBobSquarepants #memes

— DelTacoFan (@DelTacoFan415) March 2, 2018

But where exactly did it come from? According to Know Your Meme, the image is a screen grab from a season one episode of Spongebob, with Patrick chasing down Spongebob to be his friend again. Finally catching up to him, his "evil" face appears, but it's way less messed up than the eventual memes and captions would be. The earliest known use of the image might be this one.

Me trying to trip someone with an iPhone X without a phone case #PatrickStar

— Hobie Brown (@jaddies) March 3, 2018

It has since spread across Twitter over the last few days and will probably end up on Facebook in another two weeks.


When he tells you he’s falling in love with you but you know the period blood in the spaghetti is what really did the trick

— 💫👽 (@StuckOnMarss) February 28, 2018

Even Cardi B got in on the fun.


Like every great meme before it, it will inevitably reach a fever pitch before dying a dramatic social media death. Here's a premature Goodbye to Savage Patrick. We hardly knew you.

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