Here's a Poem Lena Dunham Wrote as an Undergrad. Go Nuts, Everybody.

Originally published in 2006, in Melancholia's Tremulous Dreadlocks.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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Sometimes you find yourself somewhere on the Internet where you never expected to be. This happened to me last night, when I stumbled across a website for Melancholia's Tremulous Dreadlocks, an online poetry zine that, in 2006, featured a poem that Girls creator and star Lena Dunham wrote as an undergrad at Oberlin College. It's fun to read old work from someone so accomplished and well-known now—and come on, didn't we all write some poetry in our early 20s? Don't lie, you totally did. (Which means you shouldn't judge her penis/cocktail frank line. I mean, you could if you wanted to. A little bit. But it's not, you know, the craziest comparison.)

If you're interested, you can head over to Melancholia's Tremulous Dreadlocks to check out the poem, as well as a photo of undergrad Lena Dunham rocking really blonde hair. Wavy.

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