Capcom Wants To Raise the Bar on 3DS Game Pricing

If you want to play Resident Evil: Revelations, be prepared to pay a little more than usual.

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Just when we think that Capcom is starting to “get it” , they go and do something stupid yet again. This time around, the company has taken it upon itself to raise the price of their upcoming 3DS title well above the standard pricing set by the industry.

Take a stroll through the games department at your local store; notice that the prices of 3DS software tops out at $39.99. That is the established price point for the market and something that every other publisher has been content on sticking with. Well, that “top price” is going to be a little bit higher when Resident Evil: Revelations launches on February 7, 2012.

Capcom is so confident in their latest creation that they have stated that the $40 price point is too low for the incredible experience that they have crafted. As a result, Revelations will carry a price tag of $49.99. The last time we checked, the was the same price as the top tier Wii releases and a variety of 360 / PS3 releases in recent memory. Suddenly portable gaming is just as expensive as console gaming. Yay!

Who in the hell does Capcom think that they are? We are all for a new entry in the Resident Evil series, but they don’t have a right to exploit our anticipation by tacking on an extra $10 to the price tag just because they feel that their game is that good. What is going to happen if this game sells well at this price? Are other publishers going to take notice and start upping the prices of their 3DS offerings and will $49.99 become the new price standard for the platform?

Let’s hope not.

And just because it is relevant, and not because we are supporting this decision, you can check out the latest trailer for the game above. Does that look like it is worth more money than the standard 3DS offering?

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