Is Warner Bros. Developing A Justice League Movie?

Let's file this under "Wishful Thinking" for now.


The Los Angeles Times reports that Warner Bros. is looking at life after Christopher Nolan and could potentially be working on a Justice League movie for 2013. Similar to Marvel's much-ballyhooed The Avengers film, the potential Justice League flick would have its own standalone movies, starting with Batman and Superman. But while most of you may recall the studio's pre-production phase for the mega-superhero film, they've since dropped the project's original incarnation, due to the writer's strike, Australian taxes, and other damning factors.

Although there's no direct quote regarding Justice League in the story; the writer, Ben Fritz, instead paraphrases studio executive Jeff Robinov

His most immediate hurdle is filling the void that
will be left this summer when the multibillion-dollar "Harry Potter"
series shepherded by Horn ends. Robinov is betting on DC Comics
characters to take center stage starting in June with the
$200-million-plus production "Green Lantern."

Direct quote or not, it seems that 2013 may be the year when DC Comics begins its full-on cinematic assault. We sure hope so.

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