Young Thug Confirms He's Never Bricked an Outfit in His Entire Life

Thugger talks punkness, Gunna's recording methods, and general fashion prowess in a new interview.

August 27, 2019
Image via Getty/Mark Horton

Young Thug, currently enjoying the not-yet-relatable but no less inspiring feat of bagging his first No. 1 album, has spent the ensuing press run readily teasing his upcoming Punk album. In a new interview with GQ, Thugger offers more insight on his definition of punk and speaks candidly about his life as a master of boldly influential fashion moves.

Asked point blank by Jordan Coley if he's "ever bricked an outfit," Thugger spoke definitively.

"Uh, no," he said before elaborating on how he manages a zero percent failure rate.

"Only because I'm big on fashion," he said. "Once you have a fashion mindset, 100 percent fashion mindset, you learn that nothing is ugly." He added that, from his perspective, the clothing itself is actually "the smallest thing" about securing the fashion mindset.

Asked if he styles himself, Young Thug confirmed that he does, though he has a habit of letting others occasionally take the honors just for the ensuing bragging rights.

"Sometimes I let people style me just so people can die being able to say, 'I had the privilege to dress him before,'" he said.

At the top of his list of current influences is his own Spider brand, which he said came about following a lifelong desire to prove himself in fashion.

"I always knew how to rap my whole life and I just ended up making it in rap," Thugger said. "Now, I'm able to live out my dream and create clothes—menswear, womenswear, unisex. I'm being able to create what I wanted to do. This is what I always wanted to do my whole life."

Spider's future, as teased in the GQpiece, will include full-blown collections and some collaborations with Virgil Abloh.

On matters of music, Thugger addressed the "I'm Scared" Oprah lyric ("It's just words, we was just havin' fun") and detailed a mid-sleep session that resulted in the Gunna collab "Hot."

"We was very, very excited," he said. "Gunna actually recorded it by himself. I fell asleep. We recorded like three of four songs, I fell asleep, and then he kept recording."


Thugger also spoke freely on that aforementioned punkness and explained his decision to shift from Gold Mouf Dog to So Much Fun.

"Gold Mouf Dog came from like, this album is a fun album, but it's also like the old me," he said. "It's also how I use to rap. It's also Barter 6. Not giving a fuck and just like being yourself and being you and being open and being a punk."

Anyway, that's enough aggregation for the hour. Read the full thing here unless, of course, you're anti-greatness.