Junior Seau's Home Was Burglarized Just Five Days After He Committed Suicide Inside of It

Who would do that?

May 16, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

There are some really sick people out there in the world today. Case in point: Police are reporting that someone robbed Junior Seau's home in Oceanside, Calif. early last week—just five days after Seau committed suicide inside of it. On May 7, a burglar reportedly entered the home through a doggy door located inside of the garage, went through a bunch of cabinets, and walked out of the house with a $500 bicycle that belonged to a friend of Seau.

It appears that that's all that was taken during the break-in. But, still, why would you break into a dead NFL player's house and steal a bike? Especially so soon after his death. That can't be good for that burglar's karma. We hope the bike was worth it.

[via North County Times]

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