Dan Boyle Set To Retire From NHL Hockey

The star defenseman will retire after 18 seasons of play.

October 3, 2016
dan boyle
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40 year-old NHL defenseman, Dan Boyle, will be retiring from pro hockey. This according to TSN insider, Darren Dreger. The reporter tweeted out the news earlier today, citing that an official announcement would come later this week.

In over a thousand NHL games, the offensive defenseman scored a total of 605 points. His amassed numbers make him one of the modern era's most productive d-mans, behind greats like Nick Lidstrom and Sergei Gonchar. His last season of play was with the New York Rangers, but the player became a star with the San Jose Sharks. Boyle was currently a free agent, and was unlikely to be signed at the start of the regular season. He captured a Stanley Cup more than ten years ago, playing a big part of the Tampa Bay Lightning's 2003 championship. Boyle also helped Team Canada win an Olympic gold medal, during 2010's Vancouver games.

As SB Nation blog, Fear The Fin, points out, he will likely be remembered for his time as a Shark. You can read their amazing piece, "22 Reasons Why Dan Boyle Is Better Than You", and discover for yourself.