This Loyal Dog Stayed at the Site Where His Owner Was Killed

Man's best friend 'til the end.

October 24, 2015
Image via Twitter

Dogs are said to be man's best friend and one four-legged companion took that especially to heart. On Friday, a woman identified as Kelly Black was killed by a hit-and-run driver while walking her dogPaco in Jacksonville, Florida. Sticking with his owner until the end, he refused to leave her side and was seen lying in the street where the accident occurred.

Mashable reports that police were called at 6:15 a.m. by a witness who found the woman in the road. Authorities from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office say a semi-truck struck her in a convenience store parking lot nearby and dragged her body into the street. Police also concluded that the driver may not have realized what happened.

Paco, who was rescued from Hurricane Katrina, remained at the scene until family members arrived to take him home. The situation is being investigated and police have obtained footage from security cameras at the convenience store.

Family says Paco is a rescue from Hurricane Katrina, this morning he witness his owner get killed @ActionNewsJax
