Here Are the Results and Updates for 2020 Super Tuesday

The remaining Democratic candidates are looking to rack up delegates.

March 4, 2020
Sanders and Biden
Image via Getty/Win McNamee

Super Tuesday, the biggest night of the U.S. primaries, is in full swing.

Tonight, the remaining Democratic presidential candidates will battle it out in 14 states and one territory, competing for more than one-third of the delegates for Democratic National Convention. The results will significantly impact the shape of the remaining primary race, as the two top front-runners represent opposite wings of the party.

Progressive candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and moderate candidate former Vice President Joe Biden headed into Super Tuesday with the highest delegate counts: 60 and 54, respectively. They and the other candidates—Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, and Michael Bloomberg—will need to secure a pledged delegate majority (1,991 of the total 3,979) to win the nomination outright. If no one is able to win the majority, the convention will become brokered, allowing superdelegates to vote on a second ballot.

The states that are voting today are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Vermont. The territory of American Samoa and voters living abroad will also cast their votes today. In each state, a candidate must win at least 15 percent of the vote to be eligible for its delegates; if more than one candidate wins the minimum 15 percent, the delegates will be distributed proportionally among those who met the viability threshold. (The goal isn't necessarily to win the most states; it's to rack up the most delegates.)

Below is how Super Tuesday is unfolding, per results reported by the Associated Press. Check back for updates throughout the night.

Alabama - 52 delegates up for grabs
Projected winner: BIDEN

Arkansas - 31 delegates
Projected winner: BIDEN

California - 415 delegates
Projected winner: SANDERS

Colorado - 67 delegates
Projected winner: SANDERS

Maine - 24 delegates
Projected winner: TBD

Massachusetts - 91 delegates
Projected winner: BIDEN

Minnesota - 75 delegates
Projected winner: BIDEN

North Carolina - 110 delegates
Projected winner: BIDEN

Oklahoma - 37 delegates
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Projected winner: BIDEN

Tennessee - 64 delegates
​​​​​​​Projected winner: BIDEN

Texas - 228 delegates
Projected winner: TBD​​​​​​​

Utah - 29 delegates​​​​​​​
Projected winner: SANDERS

Virginia - 99 delegates​​​​​​​
Projected winner: BIDEN

Vermont - 16 delegates
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Projected winner: SANDERS

American Samoa - 6 delegates
Projected winner: Bloomberg
