Delta and Coke Apologize for Napkins Encouraging Passengers to Shoot Their Shot With a ‘Plane Crush’

Passengers took offense to the Coke-branded napkins that could have encouraged unwanted advances.

February 7, 2019
delta plane
Image via Getty

Delta and Coca-Cola were forced to apologize after passengers objected to their new in-flight napkins that encouraged people to pass their phone number on to strangers. The semi-small-print instructions read: “be a little more old school. write down your number & give it to your plane crush. you never know…”

The napkins came to the attention of the wider internet after several people on Delta flights posted them to Twitter.

"Hey @Delta and @CocaCola These napkins are creepy AF," wrote user @ducksauz. "Pretty sure no one appreciated unsolicited phone numbers in the ‘good old days’ and they sure as heck don’t want the number of someone who has been gawking at them on a plane for hours today. Not a good look."

Another passenger called the promotion "unintentionally creepy."


Delta is already in the process of removing the napkins while Coca-Cola has apologized to "anyone we may have offended."

"We rotate Coke products regularly as part of our brand partnership, but missed the mark with this one," Delta said. "We are sorry for that and began removing the napkins from our aircraft in January."

That being said, not everyone felt that the airline should need to apologize. One Twitter user pointed out that she enjoyed the promotion (though she didn't receive the napkin in question).