This Sculpture Leaks Colorful Paint When You Tweet Emotional Things

Meet MONOLITT, the scupture that turns your sap tweets into works of art.


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Let's face it—nothing good comes out of posting attention-grabbing emo tweets. Except for maybe MONOLITT, which is an interactive installation created by art school buddies Syver Lauritzen and Eirik Haugen Murvol. This mini pedestal, created at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, turns "sentimental analytics" into physical paint data visualizations. So basically, this sculpture has the ability to spew out paint in correspondence to the mood of the tweet. 

In the video above, you can see that users post tweets like "Annoyed" or "Feeling good," which triggers certain paint colors that dribble out of the top of a white statue to make a 3-D painting. The video doesn't clue us in on the technology behind the project, but you get the gist of it. 

To see their upcoming projects, follow the Tumblr page.

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