Photographer Benjamin Grelle Captures Dogs Flying Through Space

Who knows what goes on in their heads?

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While dogs find great entertainment in sticking their heads outside of a moving car's window, we might as well have as much fun by watching them. To enhance this effect for us, full-time blogger Benjamin Grelle, mostly called The Frogman, has created the series "Warp Dogs," featuring edited photographs with backgrounds replaced by scenes from outer space.

As multiple dogs have their hair flying back and lips forced open by the wind, they seem like they are warping through multiple dimensions as streaks and swirls of color are added to the backdrop. Although we may never know, it is possible that the dogs actually do have this kind of experience. As their thoughts, vision, and other senses are stimulated by the speed of a car, they may experience an individual journey through time and space.

[via MyModernMet]

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