My Style & Design Inspirations: Aaron Rose

The culture king talks us through the top ten things that are affecting his (and soon to be your) life this year.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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In Complex's August/September issue, on stands now, we interviewed a variety of cultural tastemakers for our 2009 Style & Design Package, asking them to list all the things that are affecting their world now, and the things that they feel are going to have an impact moving forward.

One of our four tastemakers (representing the "living" portion of the package) is former Complex Shotcaller Aaron Rose, the man who put on pretty much all of your art heroes back in the day with Alleged, and continues to kill it with projects like ANP Quarterly, Beautiful Losers, and various art shows around the world. He gave us a rundown on the top ten things that he sees affecting his world/our culture right now, and for the next few years. Check out the extended version that didn't fit in the magazine below...

"TEENAGE TEARDROPS is a record label from Los Angeles that seriously puts out some of the best bands in America. The venture is headed up by Cali Dewitt, who has some of the most interesting music taste of anyone I've ever known, and they've got a whole slew of new releases planned for the fall that will blow your mind."
"DEVIN FLYNN is an amazing animator. I first met him years ago through Steve Powers (ESPO). From the first time I saw his stuff I was totally blown away, and I believe he's a true genius. His series "Y'All So Stupid" on Adult Swim is just a little taste of the offerings from this man." (Ed Note:Check this out)
"CINEFAMILYat the Silent Movie Theatre in Los Angeles has one of the most impressive revival house schedules I've ever seen. Living completely and utterly outside of the rules, they continue to program films, videos, animation, and music that always comes out of left field. A true gem of a theater."
"MISSISSIPPI RECORDS in Portland, Oregon is one of the most amazing all-vinyl record shops I've ever been to. Their taste is second to none. There seriously isn't a bad disc in the place. I actually have to try to avoid the place when I'm in town because I know I'll drain my bank account."
"PARTNERS AND SPADE is a new shop on Bond Street in New York. Andy Spade started it as some kind of retail experiment and it does not disappoint. Sure, there are some clothes in there, but mostly it's made up of small curated sections by artists, authors, filmmakers, etc. I just got an email that they are offering an "avant garde" pre-school there too. What?"
"WE LOVE YOU SO is a new 'blog project' by film director Spike Jonze. It's edited by Spike along with a host of friends, the stuff that you can find on there is always quirky, smart, and different. I generally hate blogs, and don't look or care that much, so the fact that I'm mentioning one here should be testament to the fact that this is good stuff."
"THROBBING GRISTLE have been around since the 1970s, so this isn't necessarily a new thing, but I recently had the pleasure of watching them do a live score to Derek Jarman's "In The Shadow of the Sun" and it seriously sent me back to school for a month. Like I just couldn't make anything at all without somehow comparing it to the majesty of that evening."
"TAUBA AUERBACH is a young artist that I love. I met her in San Francisco but I'm not sure she lives there anymore. She might be in New York now. Her paintings and sculptures are based on mathematical formulas and geometric theory, but always with a very hands-on feel. She is great! One of the best."
"O' SALVATION is a film production company started by Harmony Korine and Agnes b. It's based in an old house in Nashville, and in addition to producing Harmony's last film, they've also produced short narrative films by local Nashville filmmakers James Clauer and Brent Stewart. It's refreshing to see such a small operation in existence that has nothing to do with Hollywood."
"CAFÉ LEGS is a little retail shop/café in Los Feliz that is only open one (random) Saturday a month. You never know when it's gonna open up, but when it does they've got by far the best coffee in LA (they're sponsored by Stumptown!) along with some of the most eclectic retail offerings around. $2 rolled joints anyone? They've got em. Real ones."


RELATED: The Shotcaller: Aaron Rose

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