Buy It Now: Blood is the New Black Moto Vest Tee

Lil Wayne rocks today's BIN item on the cover of his new single. Weezy approves of the t-shirt, do you?

We would never encourage you to take style cues from your favorite rappers, but sometimes, just sometimes, they actually get it right. So big ups to Lil Wayne's stylist for putting him in a Blood is the New Black T-shirt on the cover of his new single "Hot Revolver." We're longtime fans of BITNB, the artist-driven T-shirt brand started by Mitra Khayyam in L.A.

Today's Buy It Now is the Moto Vest Tee, from designer Brian Lichtenberg. Weezy's on his punk rock shit, and nothing's more rock'n'roll than a T-shirt with the image of a faux-leather vest on it. Well, actually, there are probably like 1,468 things more rock'n'roll, but the shirt's still dope. Even doper is BITNB's retail site, which has T-shirts from over a dozen different artists/designers'we guarantee you'll find something you like. For Buy It Now info and a link to the BITNB site, see below...

Click Here To Buy It Now At Blood is the New Black, $42

Web site:Blood is the New Black

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