A New Jersey Politician Wrote Homophobic Slurs About the Cowboys and Eagles on His Facebook Wall

Think before you press "Post," please.

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After the New York Giants beat the Green Bay Packers on Sunday night, we saw plenty of inappropriate, expletive-filled Facebook posts from fans of the G-Men. We're sure you did, too. And, in most cases, you probably read the post, shook your head, and moved on. But one post in particular is drawing some extra attention early this week.

Jersey City, N.J. assemblyman and police detective Charles Mainor wanted to throw some support behind his Giants on Sunday, so he jumped on his Facebook account to do it. But, unfortunately, he decided to do it by using a couple of misogynistic and homophobic slurs to talk smack about the Giants division rivals, the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles. "We are not going to just lay down," he wrote. "we come to play. Who the hell do you think we are the DALLAS COWGIRLS OR THOSE GAYBIRDS FROM PHILLY...NO WE ARE THE NEW YORK GIANTS."

No. You, sir, are a New Jersey idiot. Obviously, his status update didn't sit well with some people. They complained to a local newspaper and Mainor was forced to issue an apology. SMH. Not that we're condoning it, but we've heard "Cowgirls" used before. The "Gaybirds," though? Really, dude?!

[via The Big Lead]

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