Oyster Cards and Sam's Chicken: Here Is the Best of the #GrowingUpInLondon Hashtag

"Seats are available on the upper deck."

The hashtag #GrowingUpInLondon has been blowing up on Twitter this afternoon, with everyone sharing memories of growing up in the capital. It’s mostly buses and chicken shops, which is pretty accurate tbh. Here's some of the best tweets.

Everyone remembers public transport

#GrowingUpInLondon "seats are available on the upper deck" pic.twitter.com/hil6AQ5Qr9

— Presidential 👑 (@LowkeyMo_) July 23, 2015

#GrowingUpInLondon when the ticket inspector came on and you didn't have an oyster card https://t.co/Th4mFvNhnR

— Presidential 👑 (@LowkeyMo_) July 23, 2015

#GrowingUpInLondon high jump pic.twitter.com/KuwLJcMBng

— MOKO 🇬🇭 (@Uncle_Moko) July 23, 2015

Watching your bus driver pass his other bus driver friend. #GrowingUpInLondon pic.twitter.com/UDBCkGHoZ8

— Imani (@imdotni) July 23, 2015

#GrowingUpInLondon every1 held this at least once pic.twitter.com/gwq6K8Fwsd

— Spooky Bizzle 👻 (@SpartanSpooky) July 23, 2015

And getting some good chicken 

#GrowingUpInLondon When you order 2 wings and chips but bossman drops in a 3rd pic.twitter.com/iUZIjQyobZ

— Saba (@saba_wbu) July 23, 2015

#GrowingUpInLondon When Sams was the after school motive and going halves on 2 for 2 pic.twitter.com/AJIli9taov

— Pasé (@sakpase33) July 23, 2015

#GrowingUpInLondon Channel U was our English version of BET. pic.twitter.com/e54ryUi2sF

— ᴍᴜᴠᴀ ʙ. (@MUVAHOOD) July 23, 2015

And some culture

Don't forget phones

This sums it up perfectly


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