Amy Schumer Finally Gives Us the Trial of Bill Cosby

She comes to his defense in the court of public opinion.


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In the same episode as her brilliant "The Universe" sketch, Amy Schumer continued her mastery of the takedown with a trial of Bill Cosby in the court of public opinion. Acting as his defense, Schumer argues it isn't about whether Cosby did or didn't rape more than 30 women; it's about how it makes us feel. 

"Let's remind ourselves what's at stake here: If convicted, the next time you put on a rerun of The Cosby Show, you may wince a little," Schumer said. "You may feel a little pang. And none of us deserve that."

Schumer doesn't just settle for the irrefutable argument from emotion. She also cites logic in a one-two punch indicative of the real people who somehow defend Cosby to this day. "I am a good person," she said. "I like this good show. Last time I checked good plus good did not equal guilty."


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